If you want your sales team to go above and beyond, you’ve got to motivate them with a high-quality incentive. Shop the Showcase combines the best travel incentives, merchandise rewards and experiences to deliver a truly unforgettable reward.
Scroll DownIf there’s one thing we’ve learned about sales incentive programs, it’s that top performers crave more than static, transactional rewards. Your team will always be motivated to earn luxury merchandise, but when it comes to rewarding the best of the best, an unceremonious arrival of a one-size-fits-all gift can make their year-long dedication suddenly seem fleeting.
No doubt, your top performers are happy to receive that flat screen television or luxury watch, but as soon as the reward becomes predictable, it loses efficacy. Another year of dedication and passion under the belt…and yet, another year lies ahead. There will always be a small group of top performers with unwavering dedication who will trudge on but an incentive that doesn’t evolve over time will eventually result in fewer top performers, either by attrition or lower motivation to achieve.
Our signature Shop the Showcase incentive takes the excitement of luxury merchandise and complements it with a high-energy, social event that leverages the power of choice and experience. This is how it works.
Let’s keep innovating to give your sales team a reward they can’t wait to earn.